Youth Care Stamps – Year of Chemistry – Set


  • Date of issue : October 11th, 2011
  • Designer: Ariadne Faries
  • Face value of stamps: 63+26c – 112+45c – 166+75c – 285 +125c
  • Size of stamps: 25 mm x 36 mm
  • Size of images: 22 mm x 33 mm
  • Perforation stamps: 12 ¾ and 13 1/4
  • Printing: Offset coated stamp paper, no watermark
  • Printer : Johan Enschede Stamps
  • Security Printers, Haarlem, The Netherlands


The year 2011, has been declared the International Year of Chemistry by the UNESCO. Every year Nieuwe Post Curaçao uses the UNESCO theme as a theme for its traditional annual special stamp issue with surcharge dedicated to our Youth.

Chemistry is the science of atomic matter (matter that is composed of chemical elements), especially its chemical reactions, but also including its properties, structure, composition, behavior, and changes as they relate the chemical reactions. Chemistry is sometimes called “the central science” because it connects physics with other natural sciences such as astronomy, geology and biology.

With this design,  Cpost International wants to commemorate the achievements of chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of humankind.

Cpost International aims to raise awareness of chemistry among the general public and to attract young people into the field, as well as to highlight the role of chemistry in solving global problems. A special character called Professor Rabbit was created by the local artist Ariadne Faries.

In this serie of 4 stamps, Professor Rabbit concentrates to make calculations and experiments for vitamines, medicines, healthy food, and safe drinking water. He wants to invent a better world for the future.

63+26 c
Professor Rabbit is making calculations to invent safe drinking water

112+45 c
Professor Rabbit is experimenting with several chemicals to invent, vitamins and medicines

166+75 c
Professor Rabbit is experimenting with ecological plants to invent healthy food

285+125 c
Professor Rabbit is flying to the space searching for other forms of longlasting energy.