Pope Francis Travels – Miniature Sheet


  • Date of issue: April 20,2015
  • Value of stamps: 400c, 400c, 400c, 400c.
  • Size of stamps: 24mm x 24mm
  • Size souvenirsheet: 90mm x 90mm
  • Stamp perforation: 13¼ x 13¾
  • Gumming : Synthetic
  • Designer: Ariadne Faries
  • Printer : Johan Enschede Stamps Security Printing Haarlem, The Netherlands


These stamps reflect Pope Francis’ intention to connect with young people, and to move the Papacy into a more modern, informal age.

On the first stamp two youngsters are making a selfie together with Pope Francis; the Pope being himself but probably also very conscious of the importance of the selfie in the digital age as a form of communication, self- expression and documentation.

The other stamp shows a baby boy being kissed by Pope Francis. In the background you can see a crowd of people waiting to see the Pope. He is painted from behind greeting the crowd. This design is inspired by the Pope’s efforts to return the Catholic Church to its humble roots of a simple existence and to connect more with the people.