Commemoration 50 years 30 mei 1969


Special Edition Sheet


Commemoration 50 years 30 mei 1969
The basis for this design is an old photo front page of the newspaper Beurs-en Nieuwsberichten taken on the history making day of May 30, 1969, by airplane. Deep-rooted dissatisfaction and racial hatred, caused by the systematic suppression of the (black) working class, led to an uprising that burst out in violence and arson of the buildings of the especially rich, powerful but unjust entrepreneurs in Punda and Otrobanda.

The smoke columns shook awake and caused change for the better: it caused social and economical equality and the willingness to accept something can be done about the racial inequality we like to ignore. It led to the people to from now on take manners in their own hands and take political positions. That’s why a scale is balancing on the smoke clouds. The bump fist is friendly greeting of mutual respect for one another, black and white, but also of equal power. The fist bump gives a ‘slam’ effect, the shape has the Curaçao flag in it.
The three main initiators of this day who are portrayed are: Stanley Brown, Papa Wilson Godett and Amador P. Nita, three trade union leaders of which Stanley Brown is still with us today. The letters of Curaçao are in gold foil to pay honor to this milestone in the nation’s history as it happened 50 years ago. Today we see Punda and Otrobanda, where it all happened. The idea was to design this stamp so we can be proud of this day: 30 of may 1969, and not to forget it but to keep fighting for equality.