Kai Orgel – Native Indian Drawings


Date of Issue: 23rd september 2019
Designer: Richard Doest
Face value of Stamps: 200c-300c-500c-800c
Size of sheet: 17.2 x 12.5 cm
Size of Stamps: 35 mm x 26mm
Perforation: 14 x 131/4
Stamp paper: Synthetic
Printing: Offset
Color: CMYK
Printer: Johan Enschede Security Print, Haarlem, the Netherlands

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The ka’i orgel (street barrel piano) is nowadays a cornerstone of the musical tradition in Curaçao and Aruba . The original street barrel piano came from Germany (1842). End 19th century it had spread to Italy among other European countries
Italian brought the instrument to Venezuela. Here Horace Sprock,who lived there at the time,became interested in the instrument and introduced it to the island of Curaçao. Here he started a business leasing the the instrument to organizers of dancing parties.

The name ka’i orgel means organ box in spite of the fact that the construction of the instrument was that of a barrel piano.But the public loved the name ka’i orgel. Another name for it in Aruba is tingilingi box

The instrument became popular at all levels of society, also in Aruba. As the demand for the instrument (with local melodies and rhythms) starkly increased Mr Sprock started the local production of the instrument and accompanying cylinders. In the 1940’s Aruba started their own production.

Stamp 200 c – shows the wiri
Stamp 300 c – here we see the cylinder (barrel)
Stamp 500 c – shows a popular dancing party, which are still being held today..
Stamp 800 c – portrait of Mr Horace Sprock

This symbolizes the historical bond of which the ka’i orgel is a living memory