UPAEP 2021


  • Designer: Sandra Smulders
  • Face Value of Stamps: 1202 ct
  • Size of Block: 100 x 90 mm
  • Perforation: 14 x 131/4
  • Stamp paper: True White
  • Printing: Offset Sheet
  • Color: CMYK
  • Printer: Johan Enschede Security Print, Haarlem, The Netherlands


Sandra Smulders, the designer of the UPAEP stamp, used the original plan of ‘Fort Amsterdam’ in the center of the souvenir sheet as the

shape of the stamp. This shape has five points, one of them points to Europe and one to Latin America. In the middle of the perforation,

Curaçao is shown in both island shape as in text. This is how Curaçao connects the continents.

The flag of Curaçao is incorporated on the sheet. The yellow bar divides the sheet and provides space for the logos and texts to be displayed.

The symbol of Curaçao, the Divi-divi tree, is used in the background. Part of the tree is on the stamp which gives space to the text. The

yellow horizon falls beautifully in the yellow bar of the flag.

The value of the stamp is the year ‘2021’ reversed in cents.